Fact; Referendum is about immigration

Fact:The most powerful fact about Brexit is that we will have the power to decide what happens when we leave the European Union.

The Remain campaign can only tell you what MIGHT happen if we leave. They will not discuss what WILL happen if we vote into the European Union.

If they did they would really frighten you.

immigrants1. Fact: Whilst we remain in the EU we CANNOT control immigration.  That is a fact.  We know that mass, uncontrolled immigration will continue, unchecked and regardless of whether we can cope with it because that’s what the EU treaties require.  The EU refused to compromise. Any further members who join will also have a right to come to the UK.

2.  Fact: We will continue to pay vast sums of money into the EU and the bill will only ever go up because despite Cameron’s claims that he got a reduction in the EU Budget, the UK didn’t get a reduction.  OUR contribution increased.  each new member that joins the EU is given millions of Euros to prepare (Turkey has been given over 1 billion Euros) This leads to a perpetual increase in the membership fees of which the UK pays one of the largest.

3.  Fact: UK Sovereignty is subverted by EU.  Our Parliament is and will increasingly be controlled by the unelected EU commissioners. 60% (or more) of our laws will be imposed on us by the EU.  The ECJ will continue to be senior to our so-called Supreme Court. Fact.

4.  Fact: We don’t need to be in the EU to trade with it.  China, America, Australia, Japan and the rest of the world all trade with the EU.  They aren’t in it and if we leave, we will also trade with it from outside.

5. Fact: Our economy is thriving because Margaret reconfigured it when she took over from the useless Labour Government of the 70s.

6. Fact: This referendum is about Sovereignty and democracy. Both are undermined by the free movement of people from 28 members states.

Fact: Remain campaign do not want to talk about Sovereignty and democracy because both are meaningless if we stay in the EU.

Remain in the EU and here are a few things that might happen; Feel free to add to the list

Already being part of the European Union is eroding our parliamentary sovereignty.  Vote to remain and you can kiss goody bye to the rest of it. Parliament will become a fossil. No one knows what Europe has in store to complete its ambition of integration. But whatever it is, if you vote remain, you’ll have to accept it. The remain side will NOT discuss it. #voteleave


Here are a few:

  1. EU will get rid of the pound
  2. EU will get rid of parliament and just have MEPs
  3. Every county becomes a region of the EU including Scotland
  4. Each region gets its own council responsible directly to the EU
  5. We are severed from the Commonwealth
  6. The Monarchy is removed
  7. The financial centre of gravity in the city is moved to Europe and laws imposed to dampen its ability to influence the EU economy and banks.
  8. Our seats on top tables, NATO, WHO, WTO etc are removed to give more seats to EU to fit its new status
  9. Our nuclear capability becomes the EU’s
  10. Our army become’s the EU’s
  11. The NHS is broken up because taxes are paid to Brussells so not enough to make it free anymore.
  12. We lose the British Flag, anyone flying it will be committing a crime

The EU could bring war; That’s why we must leave

Has the referendum turned into a defining event for  EU/ Russia relations?

Seems a bit far fetched I know but I am still searching for Cameron’s agenda. One that helped persuade  his powerful friends to interfere in our country’s internal affairs. Asking us to ignore the last 10 years of recession, multiple Greek crisis and bailouts, economic migrant tsunami and the invasion of the UK by more than 2.5m Europeans looking for a better life.

The case for remaining in the EU project, given by Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, IMF head Christine Lagarde, UK leader David Cameron, a disconcerting number of his Cabinet and the president of the United states Barak Obama is scary, but underwhelming. It is scary because you feel that somehow there is more to this referendum than we are being told. It seems they’ll stop at nothing to make the British people ignore all the above, pretend none of it has anything to do with the EU and even if it does, it’s unimportant. Just vote remain so they can hand over your country  to a failing monolith of  alien commissioners we will never be able to vote out of office.

I am convinced there is a bigger agenda. Otherwise I cannot explain the treachery of a Prime Minister determined to give away this country’s sovereignty, years of history and independence. The UK lost thousands of young men on the beaches of Dunkirk. With help of the Americans,  rescued millions of Jews from the gas chambers of Germany. I remember when the Berlin wall came down in 1989 (assisted by Margaret Thatcher and the Sky dish). Do we really have to sacrifice our sovereignty to avoid  it being re-erected? Do we really want to be a member of a club where everyone except us cannot trust themselves not to start fighting?has

When Obama consigned us to the back of the queue for his transatlantic trade Investment partnership (TTIP),  He raised the stakes.  Know your place if you want to play with big boys. Cameron wants badly to play with the big boys. Britain is crucial to the US interests in Europe. We are the only English speaking country in the EU trade block. We already share substantial trade and  a similar culture both in our economic ideology and common language. We would therefore be a vital stepping stone  (as we are now) if America wanted to open its markets to the EU.

While waiting in my doctor’s surgery the other day, I happen to see a map of the world. It was a revealing moment seeing the juxtaposition of the EU countries, Russia and their Islamist neighbours. This EU project is not only economical, I realised, it is Geo-political. Looking at the long borders between EU and  Russia, and remembering the recent clash over Ukraine and the annexing of Crimea, and it all fell into place. Russia would never cede territory to EU. It is more likely to want to take it back!

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are buffers along the  Russian border. Ukraine would have completed the hat trick creating an almost straight border between EU and Russia, consolidating the east west divide. Up until the last war The communist border was inside Germany (Eastern Germany).  Even with 28 countries currently in the EU, getting Turkey, Albania and the other stragglers is essential in the balance of power. Luckily for the EU, none of these small countries given a choice are choosing Russia.

Britain is again vital to this conflagration because of its possession of nuclear power. That explains why France is willing to spend zillions it doesn’t have to help us to renew it. The EU needs it and therefore us, to keep the balance against Russia which has its own nuclear capability. So that’s the security reason why smaller countries are so keen to join. They’re scared of the big bad Putin next door. The deal is sweetened by the EU ponzi scheme, redistributing wealth across the block. Explains why membership is so expensive especially for the UK who has one of the most prosperous economies alongside Germany.

UK pays 12billion Euros to be part of the EU scheme and receives 4b back. Illogical to normal people especially when you add the administrative costs of this round robin trip. Why would I give you £200 so you can give me back £50? makes no sense at all.

David Cameron’s hint that the we might trigger a war if we left the EU now makes a warped kind of sense. But Cameron should know that it is a neutral independent UK that is more useful to the World and has been for hundreds of years. Its geography and diplomatic skills, freedom and sovereignty has kept the peace between the UK and the rest of the world since it gave up colonisation. In Eu, this freedom and independence  would wither and die. A once great nation buried by the puny ambitions of one man.

We know what will happen if we remain in the EU. We will decide what happens if we leave. That is the fundamental difference. Either way we will have a relationship with Europe because we are not and never have been an existential threat to any country in Europe, individually or collectively. If we remain, we will be drained of our lifeblood and sidelined as a little region; forced into the Euro to leave Europe to become a country and this once great nation becomes a footnote off the toe of Italy.

One advantage is that the UK is an island. We have defended ourselves for centuries.  We are multicultural. (despite 7/11) Anyone with any sense in Europe and Russia, is already in the UK. Everyone around the world wants to come here. We are not just a stop off for Europe. The jungle of Calais proves Europe is a stop of on the way to the UK.

The EU might tame Putin by giving access to Turkey but that allows free movement on their Syrian flank to the Islamist fanatics. How secure is that? Those millions of refugees need only sit tight and be patient. They will soon be able to turn around and come right back to Europe legally. That dance with Turkey had nothing to do with them but their predicament was useful to the plot. (call me cynical)

Turkey’s neighbour is the failed state of Iraq nestling next to Iran who has nuclear ambitions too. Suddenly you can see the geopolitical re-working of the world order and why Britain is is a useful pawn to a leader who might harbour global ambitions. Is David Cameron sacrificing his country to save the world? Or is he negotiating himself a legacy to rival his friend Tony Blair’s? The stakes are a lot higher. Putin’s army has been dusted down resting in Syria.

With such a strong hand I am still at loss to understand why David Cameron didn’t push hard to get any concessions from the EU?  Perhaps there is something they are not telling him.

Don’t shoot the messenger

David Cameron was overheard telling someone that Nigeria and Afghanistan are fantastically corrupt. Not news. We all know that already. I have personal experience of this. I had to bribe my way in and out of Lagos airport a few years ago even though I had paid for my flight both ways. Every time we went out to dinner we had to bribe our way through police roadblocks.

This privately observed fact got Mr Cameron in a lot of hot water with multiple calls for him to apologise. Phone-in programs were deluged by Nigerians blaming British colonialism for the corruption; someone even blamed Margaret Thatcher! The president of Nigeria sensibly suggested he wouldn’t be calling for any apologies. He said (about Cameron)  “I think he’s being honest about it…” Then ruined the admission by demanding that he wanted his country’s assets returned.

He was praised and lauded for his comment all over twitter. How does the British government stop anyone from depositing money into British bank?  Wouldn’t that would bring negative repercussions for ordinary British people? Should the British government enact a law to stop Nigerians stealing from their countrymen? Nigeria is no longer a colony people.

A few weeks ago during the London Mayoral election, Zac Goldsmith was brave enough to point out the fact that his competitor Sadiq Khan had in the past shared a platform with extremists and had defended them in his capacity as human rights lawyer. At that time of course Sadiq was pretty desperate to get a platform in British politics and under Labour, Human Rights and racial politics are guaranteed crowd pleasers.

The opposition twitter trolls went into meltdown with a bilious campaign painting Zac as a racist. The lie, instead of being nailed and negated by his conservative peers, was given fuel by those who subscribe to the policy of shooting the messenger so they can have a quiet life. But if you happen to be rich, people are allowed to shred your integrity with impunity. Safer to choose the son of a bus driver to represent our city.

This habit of ‘shooting the messenger’ permeates political life from a vocal left wing, paid up trolling platoon. Also by people who, instead of being logical and facing reality, generate column inches by being ‘offended’.

Take another case where the police did a mock up of a suicide attack in central Manchester. They staged it as it would be, in real time (god forbid it is ever again real). In every instance of an islamic suicide bomber, shooting, stabbing, or blowing themselves up,  ‘Allah Akbur’ is the war cry in Paris, Brussells, US and anywhere else they are about to commit mass slaughter. Stands to reason then that this phrase would be integral to the police mock up.

Disconcertingly, the backlash was swift from the community and left wing apologists. The police were shamed and vilified as racists and forced into apologising for using the phrase. The apology came swiftly. Why? Because the reality had caused offence,  tarring all Muslims with the same brush, stirring up racial tension etc. What is actually stirring up racial tension is the fact that the world is on high alert waiting for an atrocity to be committed by some Islamist terrorist shouting Allah Akbur. But people are allowed to waste police time when they are doing their job of protecting those very same people.

The problem in this country is that there are over 300 different nationalities living together and all have the right to be offended. Think about that. Together, multiculturalism, human rights and the equality act,  everyone’s rituals and culture  is given rights, respect and  equal status. All that is, except the indigenous British culture, the one they all joined but not adopted  where they enjoy the right to be free.

Britons are being sacrificed on the alter of equality and shamed for living and voicing their reality.




Apprenticeships in technology will reduce inequality

Self driving cars, 3D printing, the internet of things, and more software processes that can make anything you have to do that much easier. Want to do your accounts, design your facebook profile, write the perfect headline, plan out a room; there is a process for that. Your fridge will be able to talk to your kettle who can talk to your alarm which talks to your mobile to tell your the postman your husband is not at home.

Some of these processes however, are anxiety inducing: Driverless cars are unimaginable and the fact that isis could create a 3d gun makes your printer positively lethal. You can even print a jet engine these days. I remember when we heard about Satnavs? Finally, those arguments in the car would become a thing of the past, turning car journeys into a Beyonce sing-along until you realise you’re driving your family into a river from an unfinished bridge.

When you begin to get your head around the Internet of things where your TV can see what you are doing, you coffee wakes you up in the morning, you can measure your own heartbeat while you jog and watch a burglar enter your house while you work, it makes privacy seem anachronistic.

More advanced is something called autodesk where extremely clever people generate algorithms. Instead of using a software design process, you tell the machine what you want it to design and make. No more bad lighting in cubicles at Top Shop. You’ll just need a colossal wardrobe. Experts are calling this phenomenon ‘disruptive technology’ and we aren’t producing enough people with the skills to keep up.

I hear the Japanese are building robots to take care of old people many of whom  have expressed that preference. Technology is making them redundant in every sense. We don’t need their wisdom or memories anymore; it’s all on facebook  and google, instagram, Youtube and WordPress in real time in pictures and videos! If it can get worse, there is an expectation that almost half of workers could lose their jobs to automation.

On the plus side, there many reasons for embedding apprentices in your workforce and training them on the job so they can keep up with these machines that will become their future. Behind every clever robot is a cleverer human being. The workplace will also become more meritocratic. Machines are not social climbers, snobbish or racist. Not yet anyway. Employers will have to be more focused on what you can do not who you are and pay you accordingly.

Unfortunately, inequality will increase too as the owners of the means of production  across the globe make the turnover of companies like Google and Facebook like small change. But there should be no reason for anyone to go hungry as processes are composed of numerous small tasks. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, career progression is inevitable. Skill is king!











Obama reveals real agenda behind #Remain?

Obama Racine
 In trying to unravel the agenda behind our very own Prime Minister, discarding his dignity and patriotism to give away our country’s autonomy, I scraped some enlightenment via President Obama’s pronouncements this week as to why we are being forced to sink our country into obscurity in the EU.
In fact it seems there has been more obfuscation on the part of David Cameron and George Osborne than we realise. I wondered if all those marathon visits to China and India were part of an overall plan to promise big contracts to these countries based on the coming Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US.

Europe is a large market but a poor one (except Germany) and it is struggling to create a viable economy for its members.  It is also struggling to recover from the recession, has massive unemployment and its skilled young people are migrating to the UK in droves. These are intractable problems because it is a socialist re-distributive experiment trying to be a capitalist free market.

The EU needs trade with the lucrative US market to make the block work  as a viable construct. Merkel, Obama and Cameron appear to have come up with this Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership as the definitive answer. If people and businesses are making money they won’t notice their freedoms ebbing away. The sticking point?  It seems America is aware that a European Union without Britain remaining would be a difficult deal. Why?
Britain is the only English speaking member of the common market with similar culture that American businesses can understand and relate to. Britain is the glue in the EU.
They need Britain with or without TTIP.
Cameron perhaps has calculated that TTIP will also enable Britain to gain a major position of influence that it does not currently command in the block. And if there is one thing that he needs, it’s to keep that promise made to the  British people, that they’ll have more influence inside the EU rather than out. This is echoed by President Obama in his speech and interviews. albeit as a threat rather than an invitation.
But as Charles Moore pointed out in the Telegraph on Sunday –
.. British trade with America – with whom we have no trade deal – has grown, whereas British trade with the EU, despite the single market, has fallen..
The TTIP is no reason to remain in this ever expanding monolithic, sclerotic vanity project. In fact it is a good reason to leave.  Obama’s threat would make no difference to Britain’s ability to continue trading with whoever it wants if it votes to leave. This time next year, Obama will be gone too but needs to leave a legacy that is not associated with failed wars.
Someone else will have to unpick this when it goes wrong. Europe is nothing like America. As the only English speaking country next to Europe, Britain’s world influence would grow enormously if the EU signed this agreement without it.Germany would find itself in a loop of bailouts, immigrants and emerging far right organisations. That mix is not one we would wish on a country who is desperate to retain peace across 27 nations.
Within it, Europe would, down the line, impose so many more regulations on Britain, it would soon become an insignificant region in no time.  The pound would no longer be the second most trusted currency in the world and would inevitably be replaced  with the Euro. No one would have any right to complain. End of a once proud nation.
Our government, instead of honestly laying out the argument of why they really want us to stay in the EU, decided on project fear. Independent countries like Norway and Switzerland who have prospered outside – will they have or need access to the TTIP?  Surely they already trade with the US anyway and will continue to do so. They’ve no reason to sell their independence to the highest bidder.
We can now see why the the world elites have piled on the frighteners on the British people to vote to remain. Britain is pivotal to their plans.  THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE FRIGHTENED. Without the UK,  TTIP stands a good chance of not happening.
Cameron has nothing to lose. He is leaving. Though, he seems to want to leave a legacy that finally takes the ‘Great’ out of Great Britain.

Four Ways to Find a New Role After Leaving Your Job or Redundancy

Prepare an answer for why you left your last job, but whatever you do – don’t apologise, say the experts

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.theguardian.com

Unfortunately a redundancy is something many of us will face at some point during our careers and it’s a tough thing to see as anything other than a major setback. However the best approach to take is essentially to get quickly back into the swing of things and look forwards to new opportunities. Ultimately as long as you avoid any real negativity then new employers are likely to be fairly sympathetic about the circumstances as a redundancy is rarely your fault. This piece has some excellent advice around key ways you can reinvigorate things if this unfortunate event crops up for you. Let us know what you think and if you’ve been there yourself then please share your experiences and advice.